Club TLSea is a group that offers a variety of opportunities to members who would like to participate in a both diving and non-diving activities. During the upcoming year, TL Sea Diving will be organizing monthly activities. These events will not be limited solely to diving, however, many will include diving at a variety of locations.

Your membership carries many benefits as well as allowing you to dive–even without regular dive buddies!


For the New Divers…

(Or those with few dives)

Ok, you are certified…now what?


We don’t want to just certify you and let you go into the great unknown. We want to continue to show you the beauty of the sport you just learned–diving! As a new diver it may be daunting to plan a dive and find dive buddies. You may also feel you need a little more guidance before you strike out on your own. We care about the ‘now what’. 

Diving with Club TL Sea is a good way to get guidance, gain experience and dive buddies are already built in! We want you to continue diving, not just get certified and stop!

And For Those More Experienced…

(Admit it, you want to dive more!)

So you now have a few dives under your belt and 75% of them have been training dives at the same site. There is nothing wrong with that as that is all some people have. Maybe you certified a few years ago and used to dive but ‘family got in the way’ or your dive buddy moved away. 

Club TL Sea has a great mix of dive sites to help keep us all entertained! We plan at a minimum two dive events per month (usually closer to four) for your (and our) diving pleasure! Most of these dives are planned so that those only certified to Open Water limits can still attend, but many of the sites can go beyond these limits.

Our dives are all led by a certified and insured dive professionals. This person will give a thorough site briefing for that day’s site. They will also have first aid and emergency oxygen available, just in case.

We also have quite a few active divers that not only attend most of the dives they are able to, but they look for other divers with whom they can set up dives!

We have set this up to be safe, fun and informative. Come diving with us, join us for some food and conversation after the dive.


Give us a chance…We’ll Change Your Life!

Brad with anemone

Ready to Join Us?

Fill out this form and submit it. We will contact you soon for payment.